Friday, June 20, 2014

Assistive Technology

Students have unique personalities, skills, challenges, and educational needs. As teachers work to meet the needs of a variety of students, it's helpful to have technology resources. According to the CDC, one million more children were diagnosed with ADHD than 10 years ago. This impacts classroom instruction. Thankfully, the increase in personal devices and technology helps teachers respond to this growing need.

Many students with ADHD struggle to follow their own train of thoughts and organize their ideas. They become frustrated to the point of shutting down and struggle to write in class, bombarded with stimulation, or unable to follow directions. Graphic organizers help students chunk the information from a lecture, video, or text, but also help students collect their thoughts before writing. Apps like Popplet, Inspiration Lite, and SimpleMind provide a variety of simple graphic organizers for students. The ability to use color, reorganize the ideas, and limit what is on the screen add to the customization for ADHD students.

Inspiration Lite is a powerful mapping tool which is simple, yet intuitive. The free version offers enough support for students to organize text from reading or for writing purposes. Students can brainstorm ideas, organize ideas, add images, and rearrange text to make connections. Visual diagrams can turn into written outlines with the touch of a button, and completed graphic organizers can easily be shared or stored. View the tutorial below for an introduction to this assistive technology for ADHD students.

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